Анализ эффективности вложений денежных средств в РКО
p> Range(Cells(5; 1); Cells(n; BumNum + 1)).BorderAround
Weight:=xlMedium Range(Cells(n + 1; 1); Cells(100; 30)).Delete shift:=xlToLeft Range(Cells(1; BumNum + 2); Cells(100; 30)).Delete shift:=xlToLeft Range("a2") = "на " + CStr(CurDate) Range(Cells(n + 2; 1); Cells(n + 3; BumNum + 1)).BorderAround
Weight:=xlMedium Cells(n + 2; 1) = "Количество перечисленных облигаций на счета
""Депо""" Cells(n + 3; 1) = "без совершения сделок купли-продажи" Cells(n + 2; 1).Font.Bold = True Cells(n + 3; 1).Font.Bold = True Cells(n + 5; 1).Font.Size = 12 Cells(n + 5; 1) = "Ответственное лицо Дилера " + _ "
_________________________ " Cells(n + 3; BumNum + 1) = 0 Cells(n + 3; BumNum + 1).Font.Bold = True If DialogPrint("ОтчетНедельный"; 2) Then Exit Sub End Sub '-------------------------------- Печать Отчеты Месячные ----------- Sub PrintOtchMonth() Dim DateBegin; DateEnd; DateMas() As Date Dim i; k; m; NumberClients; kk As Long Dim Sign; BumNum; Row; Col; Num; sum As Integer Dim DateFlag; Flag; CliInput(); BumInput() As Boolean Dim Bum(ConstMaxBum) As Long Dim mas() As Integer Dim Sheet As Object Dim Str As String With DialogSheets("ДиалогМесОтчет") .EditBoxes(1).InputType = xlDate .EditBoxes(2).InputType = xlDate .Show If Not Button Then Exit Sub If IsDate(.EditBoxes(1).Text) = False Or _ IsDate(.EditBoxes(2).Text) = False Then MsgBox "Неверно введены даты" Exit Sub End If DateBegin = CDate(.EditBoxes(1).Text) DateEnd = CDate(.EditBoxes(2).Text) If DateBegin >= DateEnd Then MsgBox "Даты не пересекаются" Exit Sub End If End With Set Sheet = Worksheets("Бумаги") i = 2 BumNum = 0 While Sheet.Cells(i; 1) Empty If (Sheet.Cells(i; 2) < DateBegin And Sheet.Cells(i; 3) > DateBegin)
Or _ (Sheet.Cells(i; 2) < DateEnd And Sheet.Cells(i; 3) > DateEnd) Or
_ (Sheet.Cells(i; 2) > DateBegin And Sheet.Cells(i; 3) < DateEnd)
Then Bum(BumNum + 1) = Sheet.Cells(i; 1) BumNum = BumNum + 1 End If i = i + 1 Wend Set Sheet = Worksheets("Клиенты") i = 2 k = 0 While Sheet.Cells(i; 1) Empty If Sheet.Cells(i; 2) > k And Sheet.Cells(i; 2) FilialConst Then k = Sheet.Cells(i; 2) End If i = i + 1 Wend NumberClients = k - DilerConst DateFlag = True ReDim mas(NumberClients; BumNum * 7) ReDim DateMas(NumberClients; BumNum) ReDim CliInput(NumberClients) ReDim BumInput(BumNum) i = 2 Worksheets("Сделки").Select While Cells(i; 1) Empty If Cells(i; 2) DilerConst And Cells(i; 2) FilialConst Then If Cells(i; 1) < DateBegin Then Flag = True For k = 1 To BumNum ' поиск номера бумаги If Cells(i; 3) = Bum(k) Then Flag = False Exit For End If Next k If Flag Then GoTo cont Sign = 1 If IsEmpty(Cells(i; 4)) Then Sign = -1 mas(Cells(i; 2) - DilerConst; (k - 1) * 7 + 1) = _ mas(Cells(i; 2) - DilerConst; (k - 1) * 7 + 1) + Sign * Cells(i;
6) End If If Cells(i; 1) >= DateBegin And DateFlag Then For k = 1 To NumberClients For m = 1 To BumNum mas(k; (m - 1) * 7 + 2) = mas(k; (m - 1) * 7 + 1) Next m Next k DateFlag = False End If If Cells(i; 1) >= DateBegin And Cells(i; 1) 0 Or _ mas(i; (k - 1) * 7 + 2) > 0 Or _ mas(i; (k - 1) * 7 + 3) > 0 Or _ mas(i; (k - 1) * 7 + 4) > 0 Or _ mas(i; (k - 1) * 7 + 5) > 0 Or _ mas(i; (k - 1) * 7 + 6) > 0 Or _ mas(i; (k - 1) * 7 + 7) > 0 Then CliInput(i) = True Next k Next i For k = 1 To BumNum BumInput(k) = False For i = 1 To NumberClients If mas(i; (k - 1) * 7 + 1) > 0 Or _ mas(i; (k - 1) * 7 + 2) > 0 Or _ mas(i; (k - 1) * 7 + 3) > 0 Or _ mas(i; (k - 1) * 7 + 4) > 0 Or _ mas(i; (k - 1) * 7 + 5) > 0 Or _ mas(i; (k - 1) * 7 + 6) > 0 Or _ mas(i; (k - 1) * 7 + 7) > 0 Then BumInput(k) = True Next i Next k Worksheets("ОтчетМесячный").Select Range(Cells(7; 1); Cells(800; 22)).Delete shift:=xlToLeft Row = 4 Col = 2 Cells(2; 1) = "за период от " + CStr(DateBegin) + " до " +
CStr(DateEnd) kk = 0 Flag = False For k = 1 To BumNum If BumInput(k) Then Cells(Row; Col) = Bum(k) Num = 0 For i = 1 To NumberClients If CliInput(i) Then If Col = 2 Then Str = Format(i; "0000000000") Str = Right(Str; 5) Cells(Row + Num + 3; Col - 1).NumberFormat = "@" Cells(Row + Num + 3; Col - 1).Font.Bold = True Cells(Row + Num + 3; Col - 1).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter Cells(Row + Num + 3; Col - 1).Font.Italic = False Cells(Row + Num + 3; Col - 1).Interior.ColorIndex = 2 Cells(Row + Num + 3; Col - 1) = Str End If Cells(Row + Num + 3; Col) = mas(i; (k - 1) * 7 + 1) Cells(Row + Num + 3; Col + 1) = mas(i; (k - 1) * 7 + 2) Cells(Row + Num + 3; Col + 2) = mas(i; (k - 1) * 7 + 3) Cells(Row + Num + 3; Col + 3) = mas(i; (k - 1) * 7 + 4) Cells(Row + Num + 3; Col + 4) = mas(i; (k - 1) * 7 + 5) Cells(Row + Num + 3; Col + 5) = mas(i; (k - 1) * 7 + 6) Cells(Row + Num + 3; Col + 6) = mas(i; (k - 1) * 7 + 7) Num = Num + 1 End If Next i Col = Col + 7 kk = kk + 1 Flag = True End If If ((kk > 0) And (kk Mod 3 = 0) And Flag) Or k = BumNum Then Flag = False For i = 2 To 22 sum = 0 For m = 1 To NumberClients sum = sum + Cells(m + 6; i) Next m Cells(Num + 7; i) = sum Cells(Num + 7; i).Font.Bold = True Cells(Num + 7; i).Interior.ColorIndex = 15 Next i Cells(Num + 7; 1) = "Итого" Cells(Num + 7; 1).Font.Bold = True Cells(Num + 7; 1).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter Cells(Num + 7; 1).Interior.ColorIndex = 15 Range(Cells(7; 1); Cells(Num + 7; 22)).Borders(xlLeft).Weight =
xlThin Range(Cells(7; 1); Cells(Num + 7; 22)).Borders(xlRight).Weight =
xlThin Range(Cells(7; 1); Cells(Num + 7; 22)).Borders(xlTop).Weight =
xlThin Range(Cells(7; 1); Cells(Num + 7; 22)).Borders(xlBottom).Weight =
xlThin Range(Cells(7; 1); Cells(Num + 7; 22)).BorderAround
Weight:=xlMedium Range(Cells(7; 9); Cells(Num + 7; 15)).BorderAround
Weight:=xlMedium Cells(Num + 10; 10) = "Ответственное лицо
Дилера______________________________" If DialogPrint("ОтчетМесячный"; 2) Then Exit Sub Row = 4 Col = 2 Cells(Row; Col) = " " Cells(Row; Col + 7) = " " Cells(Row; Col + 14) = " " Range(Cells(7; 1); Cells(800; 22)).Delete shift:=xlToLeft End If Next k Worksheets("СписокКлиентов").Select Num = 5 Range(Cells(Num; 1); Cells(100; 3)).Delete shift:=xlToLeft For i = 1 To NumberClients If CliInput(i) Then k = 2 While Sheet.Cells(k; 2) DilerConst + i k = k + 1 Wend Cells(Num; 1) = Sheet.Cells(k; 1) Cells(Num; 2) = Sheet.Cells(k; 2) Cells(Num; 3) = Sheet.Cells(k; 3) Cells(Num; 1).HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft Cells(Num; 2).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter Cells(Num; 3).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter Cells(Num; 3).WrapText = True Num = Num + 1 End If Next i Cells(2; 1) = "за период от " + CStr(DateBegin) + " до " +
CStr(DateEnd) Range(Cells(5; 1); Cells(Num - 1; 3)).Borders(xlLeft).Weight = xlThin Range(Cells(5; 1); Cells(Num - 1; 3)).Borders(xlRight).Weight =
xlThin Range(Cells(5; 1); Cells(Num - 1; 3)).Borders(xlTop).Weight = xlThin Range(Cells(5; 1); Cells(Num - 1; 3)).Borders(xlBottom).Weight =
xlThin Range(Cells(5; 1); Cells(Num - 1; 3)).BorderAround Weight:=xlMedium Range(Cells(5; 2); Cells(Num - 1; 2)).BorderAround Weight:=xlMedium Cells(Num + 2; 2) = "Ответственное лицо
Дилера______________________________" With DialogSheets("ДиалогПечать") AgainMonthOtch1: Просмотр = False ExitVar = False Button = False .Show If Просмотр Then Worksheets("СписокКлиентов").PrintPreview GoTo AgainMonthOtch1 End If If ExitVar Then Exit Sub If Button Then ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut copies:=2 End With End Sub '-------------------------------- Перечисление/списание биржа ------ Sub GotoBirga() Dim Sheet As Object Dim OstIn; OstOut; OstBegin; CliNum As Double Dim RowNum; k As Long Dim DoFlag As Boolean Set Sheet = Worksheets("ОстаткиБиржа") Sheet.Range("B2").Sort Key1:=Sheet.Range("B2"); Order1:=xlAscending;
_ Key2:=Sheet.Range("A2");
Order2:=xlDescending; _ Header:=xlYes; OrderCustom:=1; _ MatchCase:=False; Orientation:=xlTopToBottom Sheet.Select CurDate = Worksheets("Врем").Cells(1; 4) k = 2 While Worksheets("Клиенты").Cells(k; 1) Empty k = k + 1 Wend With DialogSheets("ДиалогБиржа") .DropDowns.ListFillRange = "Клиенты!$B$2:$B$" + CStr(k - 1) .EditBoxes(1).InputType = xlNumber .EditBoxes(2).InputType = xlNumber .Show If Button = False Then MsgBox "Данные не занесены" Exit Sub End If CliNum = .DropDowns(1).List(.DropDowns(1).ListIndex) If .EditBoxes(1).Text = "" Then OstIn = 0 Else OstIn = .EditBoxes(1).Text End If If .EditBoxes(2).Text = "" Then OstOut = 0 Else OstOut = .EditBoxes(2).Text End If OstBegin = 0 k = 2 DoFlag = True Do While Cells(k; 1) Empty If Cells(k; 2) = CliNum And DoFlag Then If Cells(k; 1) < CurDate Then OstBegin = Cells(k; 6) Else MsgBox "Невозможен ввод информации" Exit Sub End If DoFlag = False End If k = k + 1 Loop Cells(k; 1) = CurDate Cells(k; 2) = CliNum Cells(k; 3) = OstBegin Cells(k; 4) = OstIn Cells(k; 5) = OstOut Cells(k; 6) = OstBegin + OstIn - OstOut End With End Sub '-------------------------------- Просмотр остатков 812 ------------ Sub PrintOst() Dim Sheet; Sheet1 As Object Dim i; k; CliNum As Long Dim Ost As Double CurDate = Worksheets("Врем").Cells(1; 4) i = 2 While Worksheets("Сделки").Cells(i; 1) Empty If Worksheets("Сделки").Cells(i; 1) = CurDate Then Call EditOstBirga(Worksheets("Сделки").Cells(i; 2)) End If i = i + 1 Wend Set Sheet = Worksheets("Остатки812") Set Sheet1 = Worksheets("ОстаткиБиржа") Sheets("Клиенты").Select i = 2 Sheet.Range("B2").Sort Key1:=Sheet.Range("B2"); Order1:=xlAscending;
_ Key2:=Sheet.Range("A2");
Order2:=xlDescending; _ Header:=xlYes; OrderCustom:=1; _ MatchCase:=False; Orientation:=xlTopToBottom Sheet1.Range("B2").Sort Key1:=Sheet1.Range("B2");
Order1:=xlAscending; _ Key2:=Sheet1.Range("A2");
Order2:=xlDescending; _ Header:=xlYes; OrderCustom:=1; _ MatchCase:=False; Orientation:=xlTopToBottom While Cells(i; 2) Empty CliNum = Cells(i; 2) k = 2 Do If Sheet.Cells(k; 1) = Empty Then Ost = 0 Exit Do End If If Sheet.Cells(k; 2) = CliNum Then Ost = Sheet.Cells(k; 8) Exit Do End If k = k + 1 Loop Cells(i; 4) = Ost k = 2 Do If Sheet1.Cells(k; 1) = Empty Then Ost = 0 Exit Do End If If Sheet1.Cells(k; 2) = CliNum Then Ost = Sheet1.Cells(k; 6) Exit Do End If k = k + 1 Loop Cells(i; 5) = Ost i = i + 1 Wend End Sub '-------------------------------- Печать портфель ------------------ Sub PrintPortfel() Dim Sheet As Object Dim i; k; BumNum; m As Long Dim Bum(ConstMaxBum); DatePog(ConstMaxBum) As Long Dim Volume(); BiginIndex(); dates(); V() As Integer Dim Price(); BumPrice(); DohPog(); DohPriobr() As Double Dim DateMas() As Date Dim Flag; BumIndex() As Boolean Dim SumPog1(); SumPog2(); SumPriobr1(); SumPriobr2() As Double Dim SumPog11; SumPriobr11; SumPog22; SumPriobr22 As Double Dim BumVol() As Integer Dim AllVol As Long Dim PortfelCost; PortfelBalance As Double CurDate = Worksheets("Врем").Cells(1; 4) Set Sheet = Worksheets("Бумаги") i = 2 BumNum = 0 While Sheet.Cells(i; 1) Empty If (Sheet.Cells(i; 2) CurDate)
Then Bum(BumNum + 1) = Sheet.Cells(i; 1) DatePog(BumNum + 1) = Sheet.Cells(i; 3) BumNum = BumNum + 1 End If i = i + 1 Wend Worksheets("Сделки").Select Range("B2").Sort Key1:=Range("A2"); Order1:=xlAscending; _ Key2:=Range("D2"); Order2:=xlAscending; _ Header:=xlYes; OrderCustom:=1; _ MatchCase:=False; Orientation:=xlTopToBottom ReDim Volume(BumNum; MaxCount) ReDim Price(BumNum; MaxCount) ReDim DateMas(BumNum; MaxCount) ReDim DohPog(BumNum; MaxCount) ReDim DohPriobr(BumNum; MaxCount) ReDim dates(BumNum); V(BumNum); BeginIndex(BumNum) ReDim BumIndex(BumNum); BumPrice(BumNum) ReDim SumPog1(BumNum); SumPog2(BumNum); SumPriobr1(BumNum);
SumPriobr2(BumNum) ReDim BumVol(BumNum) For i = 1 To BumNum dates(i) = 1 Next i i = 2 While Cells(i; 1) Empty If Cells(i; 2) = DilerConst And Cells(i; 7) "списание" _ And Cells(i; 7) "зачисление" Then Flag = True For k = 1 To BumNum ' поиск номера бумаги If Cells(i; 3) = Bum(k) Then Flag = False Exit For End If Next k If Flag Then GoTo cont If Cells(i; 1) Volume(k; i) Then V(k) = V(k) - Volume(k; i) Else Volume(k; i) = V(k) BeginIndex(k) = i Exit For End If Next i Next k For k = 1 To BumNum BumIndex(k) = False If V(k) > 0 Then BumIndex(k) = True Next k i = 2 While Cells(i; 1) 0 Then BumPrice(k) = Sheet.Cells(i; 6) Else BumPrice(k) = 0 End If End If Next k End If i = i + 1 Wend If Flag Then MsgBox "Биржевой информации нет. Портфель сформировать невозможно." Exit Sub End If Worksheets("Портфель1").Select Cells(4; 3) = CurDate Range("A7:H200").Delete shift:=xlToLeft m = 7 PortfelCost = 0 PortfelBalance = 0 For k = 1 To BumNum If Volume(k; BeginIndex(k)) > 0 Then For i = BeginIndex(k) To dates(k) If Volume(k; i) > 0 Then Cells(m; 1) = Bum(k) Cells(m; 1).NumberFormat = "0" Cells(m; 2) = DateMas(k; i) Cells(m; 2).NumberFormat = "ДД.ММ.ГГ" Cells(m; 3) = Price(k; i) Cells(m; 3).NumberFormat = "0,00" Cells(m; 4) = Volume(k; i) Cells(m; 4).NumberFormat = "0" DohPog(k; i) = (100 / Price(k; i) - 1) * 36500 / (DatePog(k) -
DateMas(k; i)) Cells(m; 5) = DohPog(k; i) Cells(m; 5).NumberFormat = "0,00" Cells(m; 8).NumberFormat = "0" Dim tmp As Long tmp = CurDate - DateMas(k; i) Cells(m; 8) = tmp PortfelBalance = PortfelBalance + Price(k; i) * Volume(k; i) If BumPrice(k) > 0 Then PortfelCost = PortfelCost + BumPrice(k) * Volume(k; i) Else PortfelCost = PortfelCost + Price(k; i) * Volume(k; i) End If If BumPrice(k) > 0 Then Cells(m; 6) = BumPrice(k) Cells(m; 6).NumberFormat = "0,00" If CurDate DateMas(k; i) Then DohPriobr(k; i) = (BumPrice(k) / Price(k; i) - 1) * 36500 /
(CurDate - DateMas(k; i)) Cells(m; 7) = DohPriobr(k; i) Cells(m; 7).NumberFormat = "0,00" End If End If m = m + 1 End If Next i Range(Cells(m; 1); Cells(m; 8)).Interior.ColorIndex = 15 m = m + 1 End If Next k Range(Cells(7; 1); Cells(m - 1; 8)).Borders(xlLeft).Weight = xlThin Range(Cells(7; 1); Cells(m - 1; 8)).Borders(xlRight).Weight = xlThin Range(Cells(7; 1); Cells(m - 1; 8)).Borders(xlTop).Weight = xlThin Range(Cells(7; 1); Cells(m - 1; 8)).Borders(xlBottom).Weight = xlThin Range(Cells(7; 1); Cells(m - 1; 8)).BorderAround Weight:=xlMedium If DialogPrint("Портфель1"; 1) Then Exit Sub Worksheets("Портфель2").Select Cells(4; 3) = CurDate SumPog11 = 0 SumPog22 = 0 SumPriobr11 = 0 SumPriobr22 = 0 AllVol = 0 m = 7 Range("A7:H200").Delete shift:=xlToLeft For k = 1 To BumNum If Volume(k; BeginIndex(k)) > 0 Then SumPog1(k) = 0 SumPog2(k) = 0 SumPriobr1(k) = 0 SumPriobr2(k) = 0 BumVol(k) = 0 For i = BeginIndex(k) To dates(k) If Volume(k; i) > 0 Then SumPog1(k) = SumPog1(k) + DohPog(k; i) * Volume(k; i) *
(DatePog(k) - DateMas(k; i)) SumPog2(k) = SumPog2(k) + Volume(k; i) * (DatePog(k) - DateMas(k;
i)) If CurDate DateMas(k; i) Then SumPriobr1(k) = SumPriobr1(k) + DohPriobr(k; i) * Volume(k; i) *
(CurDate - DateMas(k; i)) SumPriobr2(k) = SumPriobr2(k) + Volume(k; i) * (CurDate -
DateMas(k; i)) End If SumPog11 = SumPog11 + SumPog1(k) SumPog22 = SumPog22 + SumPog2(k) SumPriobr11 = SumPriobr11 + SumPriobr1(k) SumPriobr22 = SumPriobr22 + SumPriobr2(k) BumVol(k) = BumVol(k) + Volume(k; i) AllVol = AllVol + Volume(k; i) End If Next i Cells(m; 1) = Bum(k) Cells(m; 1).NumberFormat = "0" Cells(m; 2) = BumVol(k) Cells(m; 2).NumberFormat = "0" Cells(m; 3) = SumPog1(k) / SumPog2(k) Cells(m; 3).NumberFormat = "0,00" If SumPriobr2(k) > 0 And SumPriobr1(k) > 0 Then Cells(m; 4) = SumPriobr1(k) / SumPriobr2(k) Cells(m; 4).NumberFormat = "0,00" End If m = m + 1 End If Next k Cells(m; 1) = "Итого" Cells(m; 1).Font.Bold = True Cells(m; 1).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter Cells(m; 2) = AllVol Cells(m; 2).NumberFormat = "0" Cells(m; 3) = SumPog11 / SumPog22 Cells(m; 3).NumberFormat = "0,00" Cells(m; 4) = SumPriobr11 / SumPriobr22 Cells(m; 4).NumberFormat = "0,00" Range(Cells(m; 1); Cells(m; 4)).Interior.ColorIndex = 15 Range(Cells(7; 1); Cells(m; 4)).Borders(xlLeft).Weight = xlThin Range(Cells(7; 1); Cells(m; 4)).Borders(xlRight).Weight = xlThin Range(Cells(7; 1); Cells(m; 4)).Borders(xlTop).Weight = xlThin Range(Cells(7; 1); Cells(m; 4)).Borders(xlBottom).Weight = xlThin Range(Cells(7; 1); Cells(m; 4)).BorderAround Weight:=xlMedium Range(Cells(m; 1); Cells(m; 4)).BorderAround Weight:=xlMedium Cells(m + 1; 1) = "Стоимость портфеля по балансу" Cells(m + 2; 1) = "Текущая стоимость потфеля" Cells(m + 1; 1).Font.Bold = True Cells(m + 2; 1).Font.Bold = True Range(Cells(m + 1; 1); Cells(m + 2; 4)).BorderAround Weight:=xlMedium Cells(m + 1; 4) = PortfelBalance * 10 Cells(m + 1; 4).NumberFormat = "### ### ###,00" Cells(m + 1; 4).Font.Bold = True Cells(m + 2; 4) = PortfelCost * 10 Cells(m + 2; 4).NumberFormat = "### ### ###,00" Cells(m + 2; 4).Font.Bold = True If DialogPrint("Портфель2"; 1) Then Exit Sub End Sub '-------------------------------- Печать Журнала лицевого учета -------
-- Sub PrintMagazine()
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